
Sunday, February 22, 2009

25 Random Things

  1. I'm scared of outer space, because it is so big and unknown.
  2. I do not like to study for tests because I want to see how much I remember without extra help.
  3. My very bestfriend is my purple teddy.
  4. I love to write, but I hate reading what is on the paper.
  5. I wish that I could be as smart as my brother.
  6. When I am alone I like to look for images on my ceiling wall.
  7. When I was younger all of my friends were boys.
  8. I like to argue for fun, with people who make me look less intelligent.
  9. I tend to spend a lot of my money on school supplies.
  10. My favorite colors change about every five months.
  11. I hate drama, so I tend to hate those who start it.
  12. I like snails, and when i crush them I get sad.
  13. I love to buy mechanical pencils.
  14. When I try not to laugh at someone I think of the color orange.
  15. I'm very worried about my future.
  16. My worst fear is that I will be just like my mother.
  17. I miss my step brothers everyday of my life.
  18. I am not a very jealous person.
  19. In eighth grade I cut my hair really short.
  20. When I was younger I wanted to start a bug collection.
  21. I write with my paper sideways, and I cannot write in a straight line.
  22. I am fascinated with the life of beetles.
  23. I love to spend money on my friends without having anything in return.
  24. A lot of my poetry is depressing.
  25. I like to know that people have devastating lives.

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