
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quote of the Day [9-29-10]

The quote is saying that school is supposed to give basic knowledge about a subject. But it is also to help people make their own opinions or judgments. If an education is allowing you or makes you think it helps students to gain their own ideas, habits  and sound judgment. when students are allowed to gain these qualities it builds character.
One example of this in my life is in Ms. Ramirez's class, she tells us to "think, think, think". When we are able to learn and think about what we are doing in school, it helps us establish a relationship with the two. its shows that there is a connection between our education and who were are when we think. her job is to make us think, in addition to the basic English terms, she wants us to be able to make good judgments and learn common sense. 


italia said...

i think that knowledge does come within their own analagy.

EMi said...

This makes so much sense I like your interperatation of the quote.

Sarah Says said...

I think knowledge comes from both school and yourself. School gives you the methods but i think students need to apply themselves for the methods to actually work.

Lorelye said...

@Sarah I agree with you, I believe that every student has the knowledge and the abilities. School just give your the tools to dig them out of your mind and gain new methods for the knowledge you have and the knowledge that you take in.

Dre said...

yea school should teach you things that you will be able to apply to your life into your dieing days.