
Monday, April 11, 2011

True Love

      Two people that I know that have been in a relationship that has lasted years is my house parents Bob and Debbie. They have been together for thirty-six and a half years. Debbie and Bob differ in many ways, their personalities are practically opposites. Debbie is more laid back while Bob is more of a strict father. In their relationship Bob is the rock of the relationship and Debbie is the spontaneous child. Although, they have differences in opinion their love continues to show through everyday they spend together. They both work on their relationship everyday. Their best quality as a couple would be their communication, they may get mad but they talk through their issues.
     To have a strong relationship communication is key. My house parents have great communication as well as trust. These are qualities that make a relationship last. I believe that these will help any relationship. With out theses key qualities one could fall apart before anyone really knows whats happening.

"Sonnet 292"

The eyes I spoke of once in words that burn,

the arms and hands and feet and lovely face

that took me from myself for such a space

of time and marked me out from other men;

the waving hair of unmixed gold that shone,

the smile that flashed with the angelic rays

that used to make this earth a paradise,

are now a little dust, all feeling gone;

and yet I live, grief and disdain to me,

left where the light I cherished never shows,

in fragile bark on the tempestuous sea.

Here let my loving song come to a close;

the vein of my accustomed art is dry,

and this, my lyre, turned at last to tears

Francesco Petrarch


So the author speaks of a women who is very beautiful.  he explains what he finds beautiful, and talks of grief he has over the loss of her. she seems to have bveen his everything, and he loves her supposedly. I am not sure how he lost her but he gireves her absence. He says he sings this song for her and cries for this woman.

Music link

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sonnet 130 Translation

Her eyes do not sparkle

Her lips are pale red

Tan skin is what she has, she is not fair

Black hair is what she has

I have seen beautiful pink roses

But her cheeks are far from that color

Some perfumes smell awesome

But her breath does not smell like them

I have never seen perfection walk

She does have a normal walk

   But I love her which is rare

   She is not exaggerated, she is just real

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

extended interpretations: Sonnets

I believe that everyday incidents can be poetic, if expressed with the right words. If someone would take a step back and watch others interact with one another, stare off into space, or just are by themselves, there is a beauty to a human being that sometimes words may not be able to express. Poetry isn’t always about love; it can be about anger, wonder and many other emotions that may play out on people’s faces. People yelling at each other or wrestling can be a work of art, its just the right person has to be able to see it that way and be able to express it with words that make it more beautiful that grunts and cursing. Being able to make something beautiful while others see it as normal behavior is a gift in itself that a poet has mastered. Everyday incidents can be looked at as poetry through the right eyes and if written down that perception is being shared. An example would be sports, such as basketball, when our coach makes us do suicides all you can hears is the squeak of shoes, hard breathing, and grunts of exhaustion. That all combined could be poetic; it gets in touch with the senses and has a clear image. Another example is when softball players warm up, you hear the thwack of the ball hitting the glove, the ball whizzing through the air, and see all the players move to the path of the ball.  These are things that happen everyday and can be seen as poetic.